Benefits for CT EarthNet Partners
The establishment of The Connecticut Earth Network would benefit partner groups by:
Making it easy for people becoming engaged with environmental issues and education to quickly get "ramped up," i.e. gain perspective on key issues affecting local communities, the diversity of community-based efforts within the state and how they might support, contribute to, or participate in relevant initiatives.
Providing a dynamic connection with broad cross-sections of local communities, publicizing network partners' goals and initiatives utilizing dedicated outreach campaigns and continually optimized web applications and tools.
Making it easy for network partners to communicate with each other about shared goals and explore ways to collaborate as they may find to be advantageous.
Providing technological solutions that make it easy for network partners to quickly put up customizable, searh engine optimized web sites, post position papers, publicize events and calendars, research and other information to online bulletin boards, liststervs and archives, produce and distribute blogs, podcasts, videocasts, be listed on online directories and more.
Working to assemble and muster public support for informed decision-making and develop increased political clout.
Serving as a forum for discussion and assembly of a vision for conservation and development that accumulates local communities' needs, goals and priorities to organizes and inform a statewide approach.
Serving as a forum for planning and funding a statewide natural resource survey and ways to maximize its value to community-based and municipal groups.
Serving as an integration point with state-level initiatives and agencies.